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’s simple skill system. The more you do a particular activity, the more points you bank to spend on related perks. You choose a starting class, which offers bonuses — I decided to be a cook, which automatically gave me a cooking pot and some mushrooms.
Guide will teach you the basic mechanics of the game, explain the HUD, and show you a short walkthrough to help you start your adventure!
Minecart goes on tracks, riding it beats walking and maybe it doesn't need a complicated system of switches and sidings to get the job done. The underground world of Core Keeper stretches on for functionally forever, filled with chasms, monsters, resources beyond measure and even an underground sea. There's a huge amount of ways to play with it all and sometimes that's more than enough.
Salvage and Repair Station is used throughout progress to repair durability loss on all gear. Or scrap it for materials.
Buffs/Debuffs: All of your buffs and debuffs will be shown below the Hunger bar. You can put your mouse over a buff or debuff to see what it does.
It’s a familiar cadence: use resources to beef up your base, craft items that help you explore further, gear up for the boss fight, make secondary bases, and improve the return routes to key areas. As the paths you’ve created grow more convoluted, you can rely on your map, which you’re able to pull out as an overlay.
Still being early access, there isn’t much of a tutorial, or, like, any tutorial at all, so be on the lookout for little visual cues to learn how to interact with things. Different icons will become highlighted and let you know how to open various other menus, so if you’re trying to do something and not having much success, just take a second to see if the game is desperately trying to tell you to press E instead of angrily clicking away.
Screenshot by Bonus Action To feed cows and other animals in Core Keeper, move a crop Core Keeper Gameplay to your active item slot so that you’re holding it. Once your character is holding a crop, the animals will approach. They’ll keep eating until you run out of crops or switch them out of your active slot.
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Core Keeper is a clever, challenging, and immensely enjoyable sandbox mining game that's a blast to play. You can completely change how you play for a new experience, there are a lot of bosses and areas to explore, and the joy of finding a new item or new area is never lost.
This time I'm running because I found a carrot for the first time and I can't wait to see what new meals I can cook with it. In Core Keeper I may be trapped in the dark with unspeakable horrors, but I'm also comfortable enough to get excited about making a stew.
Souls tab of a character after defeating all titan bosses. After powering up The Core, the player interacts to talk through a dialogue until they unlock their Souls tab and are imbued with the ability to drop The Great Wall.
Create a totally unique base using a variety of different materials and customisations. From the ultimate adventurer’s lair to a cozy underground cottage, shape the underground your way.